Evaluate the financial impact of your customer segments and initiatives
Finix helps you build, manage, and optimize financial models that account for multiple customer initiatives and flows
Powerful Tool for Project Valuation
Adjust your marketing and product strategies and watch your project's net present value (NPV) change in real time

You can modify the start date of any marketing or product initiative and immediately see how it impacts the NPV of your project.

You can also evaluate different scenarios and find the optimal combination of initiatives that enhances your project's value.

Finix is simple, adaptable and precise. You can adjust your inputs, assumptions and outputs to match your specific needs and preferences.
Optimize your customer funnel with dynamic modeling
A powerful tool that lets you adjust your funnel parameters and see the impact on your revenue and growth
Simulate different scenarios by changing the churn and conversion rates of each funnel stage and compare the results

Identify the best strategies to improve your customer retention, acquisition and lifetime value

Track your progress with clear and concise reports that show the evolution of your funnel performance and revenue over time
Streamline your finmodeling workflow with seamless integration
A flexible tool that lets you connect your data sources and edit your models in your preferred table editor
Import and export data from various sources such as Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, CSV, JSON and more

Edit and update your models in the table editor of your choice without losing any functionality or accuracy

Use familiar formulas such as =SUM, =IF and more to create and customize your models with ease and transparency

Adjust your constants and see how they affect the whole model instantly with dynamic calculations and feedback
Get started with FREE tools and services to help you create your perfect financial plan!
  • Personal account.
  • Unlimit financial models creation.
  • Export .XLSX
Collaborative team spaces
AI financial modeling by prompt
Support (hours/days)
Per member/month billed annually
or $22 billed monthly
Per member/month billed annually
or $44 billed monthly
Contact Us
Sign up for a product demo or inquire about partnership opportunities - we're eager to respond promptly and look forward to connecting with you.